Monday, January 4, 2021

Well not today...

Well no self love today, felt more like self hurt, self anger, self sadness. Today marks 7 years since I lost my dad. 

I relive the day like a nightmare. Some days I miss him so much that I can't do anything or have motivation to do anything. I feel like I could cry all my tears and not feel better. Some days for the most part I miss him like crazy and maybe a thought or memory brings tears and those days seem to be more of a reoccurrence than before.

I know that I have to heal at some point from this larger than life loss but yet I can't force myself to heal when it still hurts so much. I was Daddy's Little Girl, always was even as an adult and my daughters were the apple of his eye. 

I often wonder how different life would be with him here, cause dam it was always an adventure with him. I love him more and more with each passing day and I think about him so much. 

I know he's here and protects us, but some days that's just not enough. I miss you dad. 

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