Sunday, January 3, 2021


 So I have heard that to start with self love you need to first not be afraid to jump out of a comfort zone, and or start something. So along with my (hopefully) daily blogging I can also do some self creativity, called Bullet Journaling. I'm still learning about it by of course none other than a Google search.

So I picked myself up a couple of bullet journals,stickers cause shit who does not love stickers, (I remember a sticker book I had as a child) the puffy and smelly ones were my favorite. Anyway, this bullet journal think is all about creativity, there is no set thing, there is no instructions a blank canvas persay to just explore your creative side.

I like to think I'm creative, I give credit to of course google and pintest for ideas, either way I'm hoping it will make my journey to self love,fun, creative and I'm sure full of goofy shit that I would only understand.

It's all about discovering your self right so why not step out of a few comfort zones in the process. 

See below my journals and already an idea of how to start. 

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