Monday, February 28, 2011

A New Year

Well It's a new year and I have some great ideas on staying up to date on my Blog, (I will do ther best that I can) The Holidays have come and gone and it was wonderful I love to see the magic of the season in the eyes of Amber the older she gets the more of the magic of beleiving comes out. It was also Lauren's First Christmas well she had the stomach flu so that was how her first Christmas began she did take a break from vomiting to open her gifts and enjoy them.

But now with the new year I watch my Amber take such pride and acheivement in her dance classes and look forward to a couple of months of dance competitions. She continues to grown into that beatuiful ballerina (I wont push those years)

Lauren started walking a month before she turned on so she is a now a confident little toddler. She had a wonderful birthday with a trip to the Cracker Barrell and her first piece of cake and she is definitly her mother's daughter CHOCOLATE. Also had her family birthday party she is such a people person not afraid of anyone that she has seen at least once. (but she also does make sure i'm not too far from her. She is growing so FAST.

Well January also marked a year since being laied off from work at CMP a year ago I looked at it as a curse and how were we gonna make it with a seven year old and an infant and now I look at it as a blessing, don't get me wrong we have given up on a lot sold the boat and got rid of the car and got one that we did not need payments on. Yeah some meals are just grilled cheese but It's so worth every minute and every dollar that I no longer make.

Being a stay at home mom is a dream come true, I never thought chasing my daughter through the house or rocking her to sleep or even cuddling with her during an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse would make me look at things so diffrently now, I know I can't wait to get Amber off the bus so we can do homework together and play just us girls. It has been such a snowy Winter that I pray for snow days right along with Amber. Even though Summer can't come soon enough and that Spring Vacation as well.

Well I hope that I have caught up with my Blog I have included all the important details and then some so off to try and revamp this site, here are some pictures from the new year.