Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Finally OUT :(

It has happened the tooth that I blogged about just about 1 month ago is out and in safe keeping under the pillow of My sleeping little girl. I noticed that it was a bit loose and dark in color which meant that it was dead, heck it should be it's been holding on for a month now. Well after convincing her to wiggle it back and forth and then well the moment it hurt that was all she could bear. We got home after a long night of dance and up to brush the teeth half asleep I must say she slept through a quick stop at the Creedons she would had not been happy if she knew that Max and Jacob did look for her but when I said she was asleep Jacob was fine with that and Max I think was still waiting for her to appear. Anyway we got home and I "HELPED" her brush her teeth, it did bleed a lot so that told me it was ready it was really just hanging their. So I did what I had to do I told her it was bleeding and that I need to put the tissue on it and as I did I applied a pulling pressure and out it came that easy, so easy she had no idea. So I distracted her from the mirror told her to rinse her mouth and she looked in the mirror and the look on her face was priceless. She was so excited. But I was a little sad she growing up too fast. Well at least she won't have a half dead tooth hanging out of her mouth for 1st grade pictures, See their is a bright side.

I will play the tooth fairy tonight. . . .

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fall Brings another School Year

It's Back to school for Amber 1st grade. . . . WOW already I can't believe it. Things are a little different this year she is in a Multi-Age class room, a new project for the SAD 57 district. She is with a mix of children grades 1st and 2ND. I talked and got many peoples insight and got there either experience with the program. I even did do my research. Yes I think if your gonna introduce your child into a non typical environment then you do need to do the research, so i did and everything I saw was positive and I'm sure their is negative stuff out their as well. I as a parent had to do what I thought would be the best for my daughter. Well day one of school she was up bright eyed and bushy tailed and I recall that I always was excited for the first day of school, seeing my friends again meeting the teacher and finding out who was going to be in my class. She looked so cute and before I knew it off she went. That night we would make it her special first day of school night she chose the supper she wanted and played a fun game of what you did special at school.

Day 2 was a little harder to crawl out of bed but she did the fight about clothing began but soon ended with "you don't have a choice" anyway another day marked off the calendar and now it's Friday and the clothing thing started again but once again she did not win the battle I did, We choose the clothing the night before not sure what clothing fairy visits her in her dreams to make her try and change her mind but I wish the fairy would find a new home to visit.

Well she was once again off to school, I'm sure she will bring home with her more paperwork, but that is fine with me.

She is super excited to have her friend Brielle in her class and her friend Sarah is in the other multi age class room(better that way) I hope that these friends are ones that she will have a lifetime, It's funny the friends that come and go in your life and then the friends you know you will have forever.

I met my best Friend in preschool and you know even though we went through different stages in our lives we never drifted far apart heck not even miles. I hope that Amber will development and make best friends that will be with her forever.

So it's another YEAR of learning and building lifelong memories. Some days I think to be young again even though I would not change my life or anyone in it for an instant.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What a Way to end Summer

It was off to the State Park at Sebago once again, I could not think of a better way to send Summer on it's way. Site 222 was were we called home for the long Labor Day weekend and a nice spot it was. As we set up camp and set a fire a blaze I sat back and thought about the good Summer that we had. We did not do too much outside but when you have the raining Summer that we did, doing things inside ain't that bad either, We always found something to do, invite ourselves to our friends house for a last minute BBQ or sit around and chat just as good.

The weekend was full of GOOD food cooked by the one and only Camp Cook Matt and yeah he can make a mean grilled english muffin watch out McDonalds. We soaked up the well deserved sun on the hot sands of the beach and well caused a little trouble but hey you know, if you would had kept your trap shut it would not had been a big deal. Long story but we will blame the grand father. We figured we would run the boat for the last time this Summer well run idle was all that it really did, BAD GAS. Oh well Amber had a great time jumping off it and when the Creedon's arrived for a visit on Saturday Jacob loved jumping off the boat as well, Matt did promice him that we would take one last ride before ice coved the lakes.

It is always nice to settle in to camp with a nice warm fire Paul great work as the firestarter, we will have to give you camp name as Paul the Great Camp Fire Starter. Smores never tasted better, but i never got that red hot dog over the open fire Oh well thier is always next year, or maybe an early fall camping adventure is in the talks.It was a great weekend in the sunshine, laughs, fun and memories. Looking forward to the next season.